Estimados amigos,
En esta ocasión os hablo de un aspecto personal. Como ya sabéis normalmente hablo de personas ilustres en el ámbito de la Ciencia, Estadística y la Econometría.
La motivación de principal de esta entrada de blog es mi ponencia en Congreso Internacional de Economía Aplicada:
International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics 12 – 14 December, 2019 Barcelona, Spain

La web del congreso la puedes ver aquí, el paper que expondré se denomina:
"Entropy of Tourism: the unseen side of tourism accommodation"
El abstract es el siguiente:
"The measurement of random situations is a relevant fact within the field of Econometrics. In the usual practice of the field of Econometrics assumptions are made about the statistical distributions of the data. In this paper, a concept from Physics is introduced, specifically the use of Entropy as an explanatory factor in the decision-making of tourist accommodation in apartments. The emergence of a concept called Sharing Economy has made the housing market to evolve. Assuming a direct competition against traditional accommodation such as hotels. For this, the Entropy time series have been calculated and defined for the periods between January 2005 and August 2018, to forecast and compare them with a time horizon of 12 months with the most usual predictive models. To carry out the forecast comparisons, we work with the new Matrix U1 Theil which allows quantifying the gain of the use of the Entropy models. The main locations in which the study has been applied are Spain, Catalonia and Barcelona. The theoretical implications and economic consequences are relevant for stakeholders in decision- making. The study details the relations of exchange in the decision making of accommodations in tourist apartments and details the relationship of exchange in situations of uncertainty with a high explanatory capacity of the models."
Seguro que será una gran experiencia, la investigación científica es un campo apasionante.
Por lo demás desearos un buen estudio, salud y un buen descanso.
+info: www.eknowmetrics.com
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